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Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Stickiness Factor

Hi, I think my smile is contagious.  I am determined to be a better person.  I try to greet all staff, or mostly all staff and students with a friendly smile and a warm greeting.  I would like Barre Town School to be a great place to work, and it always hasn't been.  When I smile, I always get a smile back.  I also want School  to be a great place for students.  Staff and students spend a good portion of our lives there.  I don't like it when people are grumpy.  I don't like it when I am grumpy. 
I have also decided that I was going to start doing at least one
good deed every day.  It makes me feel good, and I want other people to feel good also.  Maybe that will rub off onto other folks.
Being polite and nice is important.  I feel that I am a role model for students.  I will hold a door open, or pick something up for someone.  I just want to be a better person, and little things go a long way.


  1. Hi Joanne,
    Should I call you Joey?
    I agree with your philosophy. I think each one of us can make our world a better place with small, but important gestures. I also try to smile and greet students or staff I pass in the hallways. I think that what we teach by example to kids is more important than the content. If we show what respect, kindness, being conscientious, honest, and hard-working looks like, we are positive role models.
    I really care about the kids I work with, like you do.
    Yes, yes, smiles are definitely contagious! Working with people, I sometimes have to put on a smile regardless of how I felt before I arrived at work. Pretty soon, I feel that smile on my insides as well as on the people around me. I think kids learn more from people who care about them. That caring and positive attitude is a huge stickiness factor!
    I enjoyed reading you blog entries. Have a nice Valentine's Day. See you in class Tuesday. Nancy

  2. Hi Joanne,

    I also agree with your philosophy and try to live by it as well. It not only improves the day for someone else, it also has such a positive impact on our own mental state.

  3. Joanne,
    I would say your stickiness factor is humor! You are a lot of fun to work with and I know the kids enjoy you too!When we discussed what we do with kids to make it "stick", I was trying to think of a special saying or action but it really is just something as simple as humor or respect. I find that many of the children we work with need the caring because they don't get much of that in their homes.

  4. I have always been a caregiver. This year especially. I stand at the door making sure all the students have their hats and mittens on. I make sure they are eating their lunch. I make sure they wash their hands. I wash their desk several times a week. I think caring comes before educating.
